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Glass Gadgets Windows 7

Bagi sebagian orang pasti banyak yang sudah mengenal gadgets. Namun bagi yang belum tahu, apa sih gadgets itu ? Gadget itu seperti indikator yang biasanya berada di samping desktop PC windows vista atau windows 7 kita. Gadgets tersebut bisa berupa jam yang menujukkan waktu, slide foto, indikator usage CPU dan RAM, indikator batteray, RSS Feed, weathers, hingga currency. Gadget memang sangat berguna, disamping mempermudah memperoleh informasi tentang kondisi komputer kita, gadget juga bisa mempercantik tampilan desktop kita.

Gadgets bawaan dari windows sebenarnya sudah bagus, namun tidak seragam dengan tampilan efek kaca yang diusungnya. Memang, gadgets bawaan bisa diatur tingkat opacity-nya. Namun opacity hanya berpengaruh pada efek transparant, bukan efek glass atau kaca. Untuk itu, kita perlu download sendiri gadgetsnya.

Glass gadget ini mepunyai efek kaca yang mengagumkan. Sangat cocok dan terkesan menyatu dengan interface windows 7. Anda tidak perlu mengedit lagi gatgets ini karena sudah disesuaikan dengan interface windows 7.
Inilah fitur dari gatgets ini :

17 apr 2010 MINOR UPDATE
- dutch and english versions merged together
- all gadget versions go to 1.4 (prev 1.3)

14 apr 2010 FEATURE UPDATE
- onedrive gadget displays more accurate drive usage stats for 1T+ drives

09 apr 2010 FEATURE UPDATE
- stats gadget updated with new code to prevent negative uptimes
- ondrive gadget updated with the option to choose between free or used space

- fixed a bug for the digiclock gadget not installing properly

05 apr 2010 FEATURE UPDATE
- changed the icon set for the weather gadget with a set by MerlinTheRed [link]
- reintroduced the moon icons again
- changed the way the radio gadget works
- all gadget versions go to 1.3 (prev 1.2)

03 apr 2010 FEATURE UPDATE
- added digiclock gadget with am/pm or 24h mode and alarm function

- fixed a translation bug on the stats gadget (no adress ..)
- fixed a cosmetic bug on the stats gadget where long wifi names were displayed outside the gadget
- converted all code from ansi to unicode for compatibility with asian languages (Thanks to Allure98)
- all gadget versions go to 1.2 (prev 1.1)

01 feb 2010 MINOR UPDATE
- fixed bug in the netstats gadget displaying wrong usage %

- important code upgrade on ALL gadgets for much better performance
- changed the offline awareness function from the pop3 gadget
- all gadget versions go to 1.1 (prev 1.0)

24 jan 2010 MINOR UPDATE
- gadget timings adjusted
- zero bytes bug now completly solved
- added backgrounds to the flyouts for better readability

- fixed zero bytes bug on the onedrive gadget

100% pure glass gadgets, work with any wallpaper, like a true chameleon they change color to match whatever wallpaper you throw at them ..

This is what you get :

- digiclock : digital clock with am/pm, 24h and alarm function
- calendar : resizable desktop calendar
- clock : analogue desktop clock
- control : shutdown, restart or lock your pc from the desktop
- cpu : monitor the cpu and ram load of your rig
- email : check your pop3 account for new mail
- netbars : monitor your bandwidth usage through a graphical bar
- netstats : monitor your bandwidth usage through textual info
- notescolour : coloured postit notes
- noteswhite : white postit notes
- onedrive : monitor free space for any drive on your pc
- radio : listen live to DI or SKY fm streams, or add streams yourself
- recyclebin : with spinning recycle icon when full
- stats : shows online/offline state, uptime, localIP, date, wifi strength, battery status
- weather : shows current weather conditions + a 5 day weather forcast in the flyout

15 pieces in total

Silakan anda download gatgetsnya disini

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